Sunday, December 18, 2016

This section is dedicated to the historical details of the committees and their connection to wider related areas of P-Ville. Hence, Legal Lines are NOT just related to laws but the P-Ville Constitution and P-Ville Court System among some of the related areas.

 1) Archives (History / Media) 

2) Culture (Events, Activities & Traditions)

3) Economics (Jobs, Pay, Karma, Stocks, etc)  

4) Concerns  (Who is not passing? Who needs helps? What is not fair in P-ville? Corruption? What sort of Exam should we have next unit? Can people with "A"s at end of semester not have to do packets 2nd semester?)

5) Legal Lines (Constitution, Laws, Court System, etc) 

Committees are where ideas become something more than just an idea. What is currently happening in P-Ville?  What bills and ideas are currently proposed to Committees? What bills are being reviewed and voted on in Committee? What bills have been killed? What bills have passed and was passed on to Supreme Council? Find out by clicking below:

King P would like to see P-Ville Citizens continually developing all of P-Ville including the COMMITTEES. P-Ville is for you, the people, to develop and evolve. As King P says, "Vive le evolution!"